Saturday, January 29, 2005


Automaticaly Get Podcast Files on Your Nomad

Here is a moded version of bashpodder that works with your Creative Labs Nomad device to both grab the podcasts and put them on your mp3 player without you having to lift a finger. You will need to have libnjb and njbtools installed.


# By Linc 10/1/2004
# Find the latest script at
# Last revision 12/14/2004 - Many Contributers!
# If you use this and have made improvements or have comments
# drop me an email at linc dot fessenden at gmail dot com
# I'd appreciate it!
# Modified by Tom Higgins 01/28/05 - added auto moving of new files onto a Creative Labs Nomad mp3 device
# you will need libnjb and njbtools installed
# Make script crontab friendly:
cd $(dirname $0)
# datadir is the directory you want podcasts saved to:
datadir=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
# Check for and create datadir if necessary:
if test ! -d $datadir
mkdir $datadir
# Check for and create the nomad temp dir if necessary:
if test ! -d $njbtemp
mkdir $njbtemp
# Delete any temp file:
rm -f temp.log
# Read the bp.conf file and wget any url not already in the podcast.log file:
while read podcast
file=$(wget -q $podcast -O - | tr '\r' '\n' | tr \' \" | sed -n 's/.*url="\([^"]*\)".*/\1/p')
for url in $file
echo $url >> temp.log
if ! grep "$url" podcast.log > /dev/null
wget -q -P $njbtemp "$url"
done < bp.conf
# Move dynamically created log file to permanent log file:
cat podcast.log >> temp.log
sort temp.log | uniq > podcast.log
rm temp.log
# Move new files to the Nomad device and then move them to the datadir:
newfiles=$(ls $njbtemp)
for items in $newfiles
njbputtrack -t $items -g podcast -l $datadir $njbtemp/$items
mv $njbtemp/* $datadir
# Create an m3u playlist:
ls $datadir | grep -v m3u > $datadir/podcast.m3u



What kind of Bashpodder blog would this be without first posting about Linc's amazing Bashpodder. His work has spoken to the way tons of people think and work, simple scripts to do amazing things. Sure there are gui drenched apps that grab podcasts, but why float the bloat when you can do the deed with speed and style.

At the heat of Bashpodder is an old friend wget . Wget is the tool that has helped me get more out of the internet than any other tool I can think of.

So here is to Linc and the apps that spawned this site. Thanks Linc and keep up the great work.

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